Spot & Stalk - Back Pack Tent Camp
8 Day Mountain Goat: August - September / 1 on 1 - $13,950
British Columbia Spot & Stalk Trophy Mountain Goat Hunts are an adventure our outfitter has excelled at for many years. It takes a very special outfit to not only take bowhunters on a hunt like this but be confident in getting bowhunting clients in close on the magnificent trophies that call this beautiful region home. Our outfitter has guided his fare share of bowhunters to success and he and his staff know exactly what it takes to get a client within bow range of one of these impressive trophies.
BC is home to the largest population of Mountain Goats in Canada, with approximately 90% of the country's entire population residing in the mountainous areas of British Columbia. These Mountain Goat hunts run from August 1st to October 1st. This guided hunting season runs parallel with our Moose, Caribou and Bear hunting seasons, affording bowhunters great opportunities for guided hunt combinations along with their Mountain Goat hunts. This area has excellent Mountain Goat numbers so be prepared for multiple stalks over the span of your 8 day hunt.
This backpack Mountain Goat hunt will involve a large degree of walking and hiking to get back to where nobody else goes, where LARGE TROPHY BILLIE’S CALL HOME. Clients should be in generally good physical condition, able to hike, climb and carry a 35lb backpack into the back country. WE CANT EMPHASIZE ENOUGH HOW IMPORTANT IT IS TO BE BOTH MENTALLY AND PHYSICALLY PREPARED FOR A MOUNTAIN HUNT LIKE THIS TO HELP YOU BE SUCCESSFUL! Packers are available in advance only and cost $2000 for the duration of the hunt payable in advance with the balance of your hunt. Typically it takes 2 - 5 days on the mountain to harvest a mature Billy. Your hunt starts out at the outfitters base camp where you organize gear for the 2 - 7 night trip. Once on the mountain you will be staying in tents and meals consist of mountain house, trail mix, various bars and high value foods. These guys have been doing this long enough to be able to keep their hunting packs to 35 - 40 lbs for a 7 night trip. This hunt is something you must do to really appreciate the mountains for what they are. It is an experience all of its own and when you are finished you'll have a renewed sense of self and what you can do. It will take hard work to earn your TROPHY MOUNTAIN GOAT and it will be well worth it as you enjoy your mount and memories for decades to come. TROPHY BILLY GOAT’S CAN BE EXPECTED IN THE 9” - 9 3/4” RANGE with the magical 10” mark being possible if you can locate one of the magnum Billie’s that reside in this part of BC. Mountain Goat hunting takes a lot of patience and hard work so be prepared to earn your trophy.
This operation is a very small family run company and operates in an exclusive guide territory in excess of 1,700 sq miles. They have multiple outpost camps throughout the area and can accommodate up to 6 hunters at a time on various hunts for species from Mountain Goat to Moose. THEY SPECIALIZE IN MOUNTAIN GOAT HUNTS AND ARE VERY SUCCESSFUL…not just with Billie’s but with other species as well. Book with us and rest assured that you're in good hands with folks that know how to guide bowhunters.
We are fully confident that the clients we book with this outfitter will be hunting with one of the very best in all of BC. Their exclusive area is excellent and has plenty of MATURE BILLY’S TO STALK. Again you will have to work hard and put in the effort but you will also be rewarded with the experience of a lifetime in one of the most beautiful areas in all of BC. This outfit books up about a year in advance so please contact us right away to discuss this hunt in detail and get your spot reserved. There are numerous references available upon request.
We want to encourage you to BOWHUNT WITH A PROVEN OPERATION THAT SPECIALIZES IN MOUNTAIN GOAT HUNTING. Where and who you hunt with matters and that is specifically why we recommend to any serious bowhunter to strongly consider hunting here. You won’t be disappointed!
We look forward to visiting with you regarding this exciting Bow and Arrow Adventure of a lifetime in the beautiful back country of Northwest BC. The trophy Mountain Goat’s will be there…the question is are you ready to take on the challenge?
Hunt Information:
Trophy Mountain Goat bowhunt in BC
Hike in backpack hunt
8 full hunting days
Fully guided 1 on 1
License, tag & government fees included in hunt cost!
BC outfitter allocated Mountain Goat tags
Season: August - September
Hunters fly into Smithers, BC
Hunt Cost:
8 Day Mountain Goat:
Aug - Sep / 1 on 1 - $13,950
What’s Included:
8 full days of hunting
Hunt for 1 trophy Mountain Goat
License, tag & government fees
Transportation while on hunt
Airport transportation from Smithers, BC
Professional guide 1 on 1
Backpack tent camps
All meals while at camp
Trophy preparation
What’s Not Included:
Air travel to and from Smithers, BC
Lodging accommodations before or after hunt if needed in Smithers, BC
Meals while in town
Guide gratuity
Taxidermy and meat processing